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Artists Beyond Challenges (the ABCs): Inspiring Artists!

As an origami inspired artist and former chair of Artists Beyond Challenges, I think we are inspiring artists! So here is a question… can you share how you overcome and amaze?

Basically, I would like to start working on a PDF book project for us, called Artists Beyond Challenge (the ABC’s): Inspiring Artists!

If you, or a friend would like to participate, please let me know at, and submit as you wish!

Potential Content Outline:

For the Introduction:

Based on your submissions, I will add an introduction.  But I will include what you submit separately, so please submit:

  • Profile image
  • 1 paragraph of your personal success in relationship to the task force ABC

For the Body

Up to 3 pages total

  • Biography
  • Your challenges
  • Artist Statement
  • How you handle or work with on overcome your challenges
  • Artwork images (up to 10) and optional text
  • Web Presence:

For the Conclusion:

  • Glossary – Challenge or disability terms and descriptions
  • Resources