The words of our friends and followers as stated to the founder.

“Your jewelry is more spectacular in person, than on the website!” – Dowling College’s Professor of Special Education at an event for the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)
“You are a powerful force for the good and have been an inspiration to me.”— Written from Robert Guillemin, nationally renowned Sidewalk Sam

“You set your sights on goals and achieve them. Your crane project is the prime example of that determination.”
— Julie, Artists With Disabilities Task Force member
“Lisa is the magnet” expressing, at the first Open Studios event at Cambridge Focus, that I connect artists. “Knowing you, I trust all events were well attended and celebrated grandly,” speaking of organizing many Open Studios.
— Emeka Nwokeji, director of MRC’s Consumer involvement program

“You always have such wonderful creative gatherings!”— Maria
“You are very enterprising.”
— Rufus, owner and inventor of Eye Think

“Your artwork is beautiful and your poetry is inspiring.”— Barbara articulated about the Rocky Arts calendar
I was commended on my artwork during an OrigamiUSA Convention.— Michael LaFosse, the prominent origami designer, teacher and origami book author
“You are so organized… I can’t believe how organized you are!”— Dan Cohen said at OrigamiUSA’s annual convention in New York, NY
“I have to thank you, Lisa, for helping me get organized.”— Brandy Klopp at Gateway Arts