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The Crane's Nest diagram appears for sale with a lovely story on OrigamiUSA's file download system.

RADIO SPOT-LIGHT! Aired October 3, 2016, please enjoy listening. Lisa is the first person interviewed for just under 8½ minutes by the Talking Information Center called TIC Network at the Abilities Expo.

Commemorative origami answers (are under construction) to Lisa's inquiries written by David Lister, now in his memory is on the British Origami Society tribute page.

The Solo Origami Art Exhibition page is a successful Kickstarter project with 3 interesting videos and loads of pictures; it is a must see!

A short article about LisaGami this article was the press release for a solo exhibition that brought Lisa and a lifetime friend together.

Read this article to uncover strengths of artists with disabilities, featuring an Art Fair exclusive to artists with disabilities under the umbrella of a government agency and mostly organized by chairperson Lisa B. Corfman.

BNN TV Appearance on It’s All About Art show (Highlighted 9 times between 2010-2019):