We earnestly run origami parties. For birthdays, anniversaries, side activities to a big event and for other unique occasions, we can teach and entertain! Register here.
Your Origami Party Basics
We cater to your party’s needs with fun and educational origami entertaining, whether for a big corporate party or a small social gathering. Activities range from teaching specific origami designs, painting origami, making origami mobiles, creating origami artist trading cards and books, doodling with paper, the mathematics, storigami, origami poetry, and other creative activities available upon inquiry. It is the perfect opportunity to learn a new skill and have a good time!
View our party prices and payment information.
A Favorite Past Party
On Sunday, December 14, 2008 at the Irish Cultural Center in Canton, Massachusetts we led an origami party entertaining 150 children while the adults dined and socialized for a period of two hours. The Friday prior to the party I happily visited the site, getting a tour of the upstairs where I was told we would entertain and gained an understanding of the site to prepare for the unexpected.
The event was broken down into various programs. At the start of the event all participants received Santa’s party bag with 3 white cranes to paint, a piece of floral wiring, and a base bead to help make a tri-crane ornament. As well, a packet with 7 different diagrams and a handful of origami papers were more of Santa’s gifts. In setup, we took on the unexpected and moved downstairs. In the main open room, crew member, Mei-Lin Po told the story inspiring the world to fold origami cranes. Another room was set aside to paint crane ornament decorations and that grew a creative crowd. In still another room, Ava Wong taught the actual folding of origami models – some fun results! Balloon folding and shaping was a high attraction and was wild. All in all, it was a delight
to entertain the members of the Irish Sports Youth League at the Irish Cultural Center!