
The words of our friends and followers as stated to the founder.


Silver origami earrings image


"Your jewelry is more spectacular in person, than on the website!"-- Dowling College's Professor of Special Education at an event for the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)




"You are a powerful force for the good and have been an inspiration to me."-- Written from Robert Guillemin, nationally renowned Sidewalk Sam


Golden Crane Display


“You set your sights on goals and achieve them. Your crane project is the prime example of that determination.”
-- Julie, Artists With Disabilities Task Force member




"Lisa is the magnet" expressing, at the first Open Studios event at Cambridge Focus, that I connect artists. "Knowing you, I trust all events were well attended and celebrated grandly," speaking of organizing many Open Studios.
-- Emeka Nwokeji, director of MRC's Consumer involvement program


"You always have such wonderful creative gatherings!"-- Maria




"You are very enterprising."
-- Rufus, owner and inventor of Eye Think

Art samples image


"Your artwork is beautiful and your poetry is inspiring."-- Barbara articulated about the Rocky Arts calendar




I was commended on my artwork during an OrigamiUSA Convention.-- Michael LaFosse, the prominent origami designer, teacher and origami book author

"You are so organized... I can't believe how organized you are!"-- Dan Cohen said at OrigamiUSA's annual convention in New York, NY

"I have to thank you, Lisa, for helping me get organized."-- Brandy Klopp at Gateway Arts